Some important measures we need to implement:
Please wait either outside, in front of the sliding door or in the car until I call you or let you in, to avoid having clients sitting in the waiting area together.
You have to wear a mask coming into the clinic.
At the door there will be hand sanitiser available and the QR code to sign in.
I will take everyone’s temperature upon arrival.
Also, please do not attend the clinic in case you are not feeling well, or have been in a hotspot area/LGA, or need to isolate.
I am sorry for the inconvenience, especially that so many of you are used to their regular time and treatment but that was the best possible option to move forward at the moment. I hope for your understanding and truly believe that we get through this and come back to a normal setting at some point.
Please do not hesitate to ring or email me if you have any questions or concerns. Otherwise, I hope to see you all back sometime in September!
Keep a good spirit, be patient and kind to each other!
All and foremost - take care and keep safe!